It's another year and we're still going! Enjoy a look into the window of our little life! :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! With the new year, it was time to get all the Christmas stuff down. Nathan was wandering around me - "Why are we taking the ornaments down, Mommy?" 'Christmas is over, buddy and it's time to put the decorations away.' "But Mommy, I don't want the Christmas Season to be over!! Can't we just leave the tree up?"

He was so upset but we had to explain Christmas is a birthday and Jesus's birthday is like your birthday - it comes once a year...totally didn't help him but he wanted to keep the singing hamster out just in case...! :)

Here are pics New Years Eve with the kids ~


  1. yay! another blog to follow, loading up google reader now!

  2. Trang! Happy new year! Hope it comes filled with laughter and great surprises!!!
    And good luck with the blog........ it's hard to find the time but totally worth it once you go back to read it :) I'll sure be following - no pressure! xoxo Mari + boys

  3. Tell Nathan I agree--why do we need to take the decorations down now? That is why mine are up until next weekend:-) ha. Happy New Year!
